Any Foodies out there using Twitter?

If you are interested in what I’m doing every second of the day (it’s usually food-related), come find me here!

New recipes coming soon! My husband, who has been serving in Iraq for the past 9 1/2 months is home. Now you know why I haven’t been posting anything lately! But I have been cooking A LOT and will soon be back with new recipes and photos!

On a serious note, today is Memorial Day. We have lost friends in this war. I feel for the families of those who have died and those who are still in harm’s way. They are all in my thoughts today.


  1. 1

    Been loving your blog ever since I read about it on Grub Street. Your photos (and recipes) are outstanding – thanks for it all, but especially today, on Memorial Day, I too am thinking about our lost youth on the battlefield.

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    Ruby Says:

    They are in my thoughts as well.
    Can’t wait to see your new stuff! πŸ™‚

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    melanie Says:

    It is a day of remembrance and appreciation for those brave individualswho fought for our country-
    Best to you and yours

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    Haley Says:

    Congrats on your hubby coming home! My fiance just left a few months ago…I definitely am looking forward to his homecoming! Memorial Day holds a lot more meaning now, the soldiers are in my thoughts always, especially today.

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    Vanessa Says:

    Nicole, so glad your hubby is home with you. The soldiers are always in our thoughts we know that they are doing a tough job and we thank them.

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    Cynthia Says:

    Glad your husband is back home, safe.

    My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones also.

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    Ivonne Says:

    Congratulations, Nicole on having your husband back home safe and sound!

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    Susan Says:

    The recipes can wait! Enjoy your precious time together. The men and women of our armed forces are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

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    Kristen Says:

    I am so glad to hear that your husband is finally home. I had know idea he was serving in Iraq. Give a huge thank you from us. Enjoy your time together!

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    Jann Says:

    It’s more than wonderful that your husband is home-I hope he does not have to go back~enjoy your special time!

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    courtney Says:

    I think we can all understand your absence, and be happy for you and thankful for the sacrifices you both have given.

    Thank you!

  12. That Twitter thing is crazy. If I were to get involved in that, it would be updated every 5 minutes because of my compulsiveness.

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    Dustin Says:

    That’s reason #1, we haven’t called you much, reason #2, is that we have been busy, and yeah, I thought blogs were too much info…Twitter? Ummm…not for me.

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    Stephanie Says:

    Hey Nicole,
    Beyond happy that Justin is home from Iraq. Tell him a billion thanks from us over here. Hope you guys are doing well.
    And congrats on the mac.

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    Sandy Says:

    Great news! Enjoy him!!!

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    experienceaurie Says:

    Thanks for stopping by. I see that you’ve been busy as usual. I appreciate the kind words

  17. I’ve thought about using Twitter, but frankly, my blog addiction is already pretty hardcore. Last thing I need is yet another gizmo to fiddle with!

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    Shea Says:

    Thank you so much for the encouraging comments!! I’ve got some more recipes percolating in my brain but I haven’t had the time to try them out and post them…..and I need to get some pics up fast!!

  19. I would understand if we didn’t hear from you for quite a while! =D
    I just posted a great tribute to the troops. What a sacrifice y’all have made for all of us.

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    Amy Says:

    It’s so great your husband is home! I’m sure you both have a lot of catching up to do. πŸ™‚

  21. I am thrilled for you, Nicole. I can just imagine your anticipation of your husband’s arrival. Thanks for the info. too!

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    Hey Nicole
    I’m really glad to know that ur husband is back. Waiting for ur new recipes and pics.

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    amanda Says:

    hey nicole! i just read (at katlyn’s kitchen) that you were going to get to attend the Blogher Conference. that rocks! i hope you will do a full write up! i would love to get to go. can’t wait to hear all the great details.

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    amanda Says:

    oops! i meant kalyn! kalyn’s kitchen. i knew when i was typing that, that something was amiss!

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    Jen Says:

    Nicole I’m so very happy to read that your husband is home with you at last. Fingers crossed he can stay home for awhile.

    And now for me being stupid…..what is “Twitter” ?

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